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Dental Care in Camden, London

Camden dentists provide a variety of dental services to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as they can be.

Dentistry is a rapidly growing field that is brimming with specializations and subspecialties. Dentistry also encompasses a number of related professions, such as oral and maxillofacial pathology, endodontics and pediatric dental. Reasearch more help at Camden Dentist Forest and Ray on WordPress.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are one of the most effective solutions for replacing damaged or missing teeth. comprised of titanium alloy which integrates with jaw bone to form a base for bridges and crowns to replace lost or missing ones.

Before considering you to see if you are a good candidate for dental implants in Camden the dentist will conduct a thorough assessment of the health and condition of your jawbone to determine if you’re the ideal candidate. Bone health and immune function, as well as general oral wellbeing are all factors to consider.

If you’re missing or damaged teeth, it’s recommended that you seek treatment as soon as possible to ensure the preservation of the remaining tooth structure that is healthy. Bone grafts may be required for patients who have lost a substantial amount of bone in their jaw in order to prepare the jaw for dental implants.

Your dentist will first remove the remaining damaged or decayed tooth tissue prior to prepping your gums for the crown or bridge. After a thorough assessment process they will propose the best treatment plan according to your individual needs.

Dental surgeons insert titanium screws into the jawbone through a drill osteotomy, a drill or both. After the implants are in place, they have to undergo an osseointegration. This is the process that binds them into their new locations and helps prevent bone loss making your new teeth appear natural.

Once your implant is installed it is then the dentist can attach an implant with a bridge or crown over it. This process typically is between 2 and 6 months.

Care must be taken in order to keep the implant healthy and functioning effectively Daily brushing and flossing of the gums to remove plaque is recommended to ensure that gums are clean. Also, a antibacterial mouthwash may help to reduce the growth of bacteria.

At Forest and Ray located in Camden, London, we offer our patients various dental implant solutions – including All-on-Four implants, which offer full permanent teeth for just one visit!

Dental implants have quickly become one of the most sought-after treatments in dentistry, providing a natural and comfortable option to substitute missing teeth. Implants are a long-lasting and secure alternative to dentures, which require adhesives that could become loose after a certain period of time. It’s no longer necessary to remove dental implants for hygiene reasons.

Teeth Whitening

Patients looking to enhance the color or brightness of their teeth with dental whitening can benefit from a solution available to them that is safe and proven. Dental whitening provides you with brilliant white teeth that will boost your confidence and provide you with the perfect smile!

Discolored teeth can occur due to a myriad of causes such as drinking excessive coffee and tobacco products smoking, using certain medicines like tetracycline, or exposure to chemical agents such as fluoride. A competent dentist should be able to assess why your teeth have turned discolored and provide you with a successful treatment to resolve the issue.

If you want a whiter smile, visit your Camden dentists for professional whitening treatments. The dentists can create custom trays from impressions and then apply bleaching products directly on your teeth.

In the majority of cases, a number of procedures are required to attain the desired results. Remember that this effect will not be permanent, and taking good care in maintaining them regularly with the dental team keeps your smile appearing its best.

Beware of foods and drinks which can stain teeth. If you drink wine, tea, coffee or cola drinks frequently it’s advisable to rinse your mouth out with water after enjoying these beverages.

The dentist can also provide an extensive cleaning procedure to eliminate any plaque or buildup that has accumulated on your teeth, allowing the bleaching agent to better stay on them.

The trays are able to be used again at home once your whitening process is completed. The trays are recommended to be used every 30-60 minutes, for a period of up to 6 weeks or more, based on the product you pick.

Teeth whitening is an affordable easy and quick way to brighten the color of your smile. Reach out today if this treatment interests you; our friendly staff is ready to assist you!

Camden Dentist

Teeth Straightening

If your teeth are in a crooked position or misalign, there are many options to rectify them. The treatment of straightening improves the health of your teeth and correct bite issues. They also assist in creating beautiful smiles – as well as increasing confidence and making new connections with friends!

Through reducing the accumulation of plaque, straighter smiles help to prevent oral diseases like tooth decay as well as gingivitis.

Straighten your teeth in London is achievable with a variety of techniques, from inconspicuous methods such as Invisalign to traditional braces. Camden dentists can recommend the best solution to suit your needs based on your budget and personal requirements.

Invisalign is a favorite choice because it has aligners that can be removed that are comfortable and discreet, unlike traditional metal braces which have to be removed prior to eating and are practically invisible.

Clear aligners are constructed from an advanced material developed to fit snugly over your teeth. They provide the most invisible treatment for crookedness while enhancing your appearance at same time. Their alignment system gradually moves teeth to their new position, more straight.

Lingual braces, which are set on the inside of the teeth are a different option. These hidden braces are virtually invisibly and give patients wanting straighter teeth a chance to achieve this without being noticed by others.

Straight teeth can also help combat sleep apnea. It is a condition that causes insomnia and makes people stop respiring while asleep. By aligning your jaw correctly Invisalign, lingual braces or Invisalign assist in treating this problem by making sure there aren’t any tissues that block airways.

Invisalign is a proven option to straighten teeth. It’s been on the market for more than 15 years. With clear plastic aligners, treatment time typically ranges from 6 to 18 months.

Invisalign is a great option for those who don’t prefer the look of metal braces. It is appropriate for resolving many cases of crooked teeth. Additionally, Invisalign can be beneficial for both adults and children with moderate to slight dental problems.


Dental Hygienists support their patients in taking care of their teeth, while preventing oral diseases and cultivating good dental hygiene practices. They carry out initial screenings, examine the teeth of patients (removing plaque) and educate patients about dental health and hygiene issues, and aid dentists in treating dental or gum problems.

In an office environment Dental hygienists operate under the supervision and direction of dentists. They are able to assist with testing and diagnostic procedures such as fluoride treatment for teeth, sealants, and preparation of patients for dental surgical procedures.

Dental hygienists who are professionals also instruct the proper way to maintain their dental health to their patients. They provide guidance in brushing and flossing as well as diet modifications that may affect the health of your teeth. They also aid in the impression making of dental implants, bridges and dentures, and any other device needed.

Dental hygiene professionals typically hold at least an associate’s diploma in dental hygiene. Some might have more knowledge or experience. All must pass both the written National Board Exam and clinical examinations in their states before receiving licensure to practice dentistry.

The projected increase in employment of dental hygiene professionals will be 9 percent per year between 2021-2031. This is more than the total job growth of all occupations. Their median annual salary was at 77,810 by May 2021.

Dental hygienists do more than simply x-rays. They take care of patients’ teeth and remove scale and plaque to minimize hard and soft deposits that can lead to oral diseases like gingivitis or tooth decay. They also remove sutures before any dental surgery procedures are performed as well as prepare patients for any procedures.

Hygienists can pursue an associate’s diploma in a related area and continue your studies to become a dentist or dental surgeon. You could also seek further qualifications for advanced positions in school health, research and public health areas. Additionally, you can complete an undergraduate program that allows you to be employed in educational settings, clinical environments or for advanced clinical positions in doctoral programs.

Certain dental hygienists are specialized in certain areas of dental that include orthodontics, children’s dentistry, or replacing missing teeth. They can also carry out surgery that is invasive or requires special training and qualifications. Hygienists typically provide general dental services and assist patients of all ages; some also assist with the application of sealants to the dental fissures of children’s teeth to safeguard against tooth decay and cavities.